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An interesting view to the world of faith

Together my Beloved and I are a "Kingdom Seed Sower" This site gives permission for anyone to freely download, prin...
Story at-a-glance Klaus Schwab, owner and chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), is the most dangerous...
Where’s the fashionable rendezvous for the  World’s Secret Government ? In the good old days whe...
Bohemian Grove - incomplete Membership List Abel, Brent M. Isle of Aves President Califo...
Hillary Clinton PERSONALLY Arranged For Chinese Vaccine Manufacturers to Avoid US Government Scrutiny… Chi...
Governments are paying a bizarre Satanist to make microchip implants 11-Nov-2019...

På dansk På dansk tak...

Chocking MUST HEAR: The chock of psychotropics


Prophetic warning 13-okt-2013:

PRAYER ALERT! The LORD spoke to me in prayer tonight to alert the intercessors concerning an imminent threat to our electrical systems in America.

THIS IS SERIOUS! Fast and pray to stop this terrible terrorist attack on our power grids! I saw a vision of the East Coast of America completely blacked out, and with no way to restore the power. I am not sure whether it involves an EMP bombing attack or some other means of killing our electrical systems. But to me, it looked like a nuclear device was detonated in the upper atmosphere over the East Coast, in this vision, and just knocked out all the power.

Blessings, Maurice Sklar

Last interview with Ron Wyatt - amazing story of how he has found the Ark of the Covenant!

Great videos from " Abiding Life Ministries ":

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